




そしてその判例の名前というのは、民事事件では「田中 vs 山田」のようになっており、個人名や法人名なのだ。日本語だと簡単そうに見えるけど、外国語の苗字を覚えるのは楽ではないの。しかも、この場合、本当に「外国」であり、イギリス人でもなかったりする。アフリカ人なら、「ムハンマド」とかだし。

名前を覚えるということは、スペルも正確に覚えなければいけないということ。「Donoghue v Stevenson」とかはまだいいと思うけど、「Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority v Farhad Azima」だとかなり長い。大抵は省略するけれど、それも限度があるし。そして、もちろんだけど、名前と判例の内容が一致していなくてはならないので、頑張って名前を覚えても、説明した判例の内容が違えば分かっていないとみなされる。





Theft – 21 cases(窃盗 判例22個)

Appropriation S3(1) – 3 cases(盗用 3つ)
R v Morris – One of the rights
R v Gomez – with or without consent
R v Hinks – taking a gift can be appropriation

Property S4(1)(3)(4) – 2 cases(財物 2つ)
Oxford v Moss – information is not property
Low v Blease – electricity is not property

Belonging to Another S5(1)(3)(4) – 8 cases(他者の所有 8つ)
R v Turner No 2 – stealing his own property possible
Moynes v Cooper – civil title passes
R v Shadrockh-Cigari- equitable title retains
Davidge v Bennett – domestic situation
AG’s Reference No 1 of 1983 – from the moment of discovery
Williams v Philips – the court is unwilling to find it abandoned
R v Woodman – control over the property
Parker v BAB- no control over the property

Dishonesty S2(1)(a) to (c), (2) – 2 cases(不正 2つ)
R v Robinson – subjective test
R Ghosh – a reasonable person dishonest by the standard

ITPD S6 (1) – 6 cases (intention to permanently deprive(永久に奪う略奪意思)のこと。6つ)
R v Fernandes – risking its loss
R v Velumyl – the exact money
R v Cahill – to get rid of
R v Mitchell – just dealing is not
DPP v J – if render worthless
R v Lloyd – all the goodness, virtue and practical value







































The free movement of persons is commonly described as one of the fundamental freedoms of the EU. It has been integral to the realisation of the single market. But there is more to it than just this economic dimension. There is also a human dimension as the freedom ultimately concerns human beings exercising a right to mobility for themselves and families. There two dimensions can be in tension with the desire of Member States to control entry and residence within their territory and to minimise the resulting burden placed on the state.

To what extent have the previous of EU law governing the free movement of persons and the case law of the CJ successfully resolved these tensions?


1. Introduction

Whilst Article 5 and 6 of Directive 2004/38 allow EU citizens to enter another Member State unconditionally for up to three months, the vast majority of persons, apart from tourists, who wish to stay in another Member State are workers and their families, and their free movement is guaranteed by Article 45 – 48 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The definition of worker comes from cases such as Lawrie-Blum[1] where a worker was described as a person who performs services of some economic value for and under the direction of another in return for which the person receives remuneration. These requirements are exhaustive[2] yet they are enough to cover most employment. However, whilst Article 45 (3) mainly refers to the right of free movement to accept offers already made, the Court of Justice (CJ) has expanded the right and included one to move and stay within the territory of the Member State to seek a job for up to six months, which can be extended if evidence of a chance of employment can be shown[3]. Thus, a large number of people are entitled to stay after the unconditional three-month period, but, despite this fact, the control of their entry by the host State is very limited and there can be an increased burden on the host State due to their residensy.

2. Derogations

Although the CJ interprets the Articles narrowly, it is possible for Member States to protect themselves from having to allow persons who can cause harm in their territory on the grounds of public policy, public security and public health under Article 45 (3) TFEU and in respect of employment in the public service under Article 45 (4) TFEU.

In addition to the Articles above, more detailed provisions are laid down in Directive 2004/38, which repealed Directive 64/221 (previous Directive). Neither Directives allow Member States to invoke derogations to achieve economic objectives[4], and both require that measures taken on the grounds of public policy and public security must be based exclusively on the personal conduct of the individual concerned[5] and that previous criminal convictions, per se, shall not constitute grounds for invoking derogations[6]. However, Directive 2004/38 goes further, incorporating some cases.

Under the previous Directive, the CJ was more lenient initially. In Van Duyn[7], a case concerning deportation, the CJ made a decision giving too much discretion, thereby attracting criticism, and its attitudes changed as later cases showed[8], in which much discretion was denied.

The decisions of the later cases were codified in Directive 2004/38, and other restrictions were inserted in Article 27 (2) of the Directive that the personal conduct must be genuine, present and sufficiently serious affecting one of the fundamental interests of society. Furthermore, it was added in Article 27 (1) that Member States must comply with the principle of proportionality, meaning that measures taken must be suitable and necessary to serve the interest of society, and this is so, even where a serious offence has been committed[9].

Therefore, Directive 2004/38 offers a higher level of protection and more judicial safeguards than the previous Directive. However, more restrictions have been imposed by other cases. To begin with, needless to say, in all cases derogation from free movement must be assessed in the light of the rights guaranteed by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR); in Rutili, the CJ directly referred to the ECHR. Furthermore, a Member State cannot refer to the derogation and deport a person from another Member State if the person’s work in itself is not an offence in the Member State[10], and deportation cannot be carried out in order to deter other immigrants from committing similar offences[11].

Given the strict approach of Directive 2004/38 together with cases, it is apparent that derogations are granted in only limited circumstances. However, for the part that read ‘previous criminal convictions...’, there might be a possibility of exception. Under the previous Directive, in Bouchereau, the CJ accepted deportation of a criminal, a cocaine importer, without showing a propensity to act in the same way in the future. This case indicated that where the crime committed in the past is very serious, deportation or rejection of the entry could be justified depending on the seriousness of the crime. Thus, Member States could at least avoid having a serious criminal within their territory, although it might not be able to, if the CJ decides the criminal has reformed and thus is unlikely to re-offend[12].

Public service derogation may also be granted as stated above, albeit the concept of public service is to be interpreted narrowly as well[13], and only certain activities connected with the exercise of official authority will be categorised as public service[14]. However, where it applies, Member States are free to exclude foreign nationals[15]. As for the public health derogation, Article 29 of Directive 2004/38 limits the diseases mainly to those which have epidemic potential as defined by the World Health Organisation, and to deport the foreign national, the disease has to be one which occurred within three months of the date of his arrival.

Where none of the derogations above are granted, Member States will not be able to deny the status of the foreign nationals and must treat them equal to their own citizens.

3. Equal Treatment

Once foreign nationals are lawfully installed in a Member State, they have the right to equal treatment with nationals in the host Member State[16], of which the general principles are found in Article 24 (1) of Directive 2004/38. Discrimination on the basis of nationality is prohibited by Article 18 TFEU for all Union citizens and Article 45 (2) for workers.

Regulation 492/2011, which confers equal treatment on workers and their family members, also protects workers from discrimination in the area of employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment. Not only direct discrimination[17], but also indirect discrimination[18] will be caught, unless the alleged indirect discrimination concerns linguistic knowledge requirements guaranteed by Article 3 (1) of Regulation 492/2011 or the linguistic requirements are regarded as indirect discrimination but can be justified by factors unrelated to nationality and is proportionate to its objective[19]. However, it should be noted that, when it comes to ‘access’ to other Member State, certain equally applicable restrictions could be caught, following the non-discriminatory ruling in Bosman[20].

Article 7 (2) of Regulation 492/2011 states that workers shall enjoy the same social and tax advantages as national workers. ‘Social advantage’ is somewhat vague but could cover most advantages whether or not they are attached to the contract of employment[21], despite a limitation in certain areas such as military service[22].

Workers are also entitled to equal access to training in vocational schools and retraining centres by Article 7 (3) of Regulation 492/2011, although the scope is very limited and ‘vocational school’ does not include universities[23]. That is not the case for children of workers, as their right to education, including universities, is the same as nationals[24].

The more foreign nationals the host Member State has, the more burden will be placed on its finances. However, benefit claims by a foreign national who is economically inactive and incapable of self-support should be refused[25], and whilst job-seekers also have equal rights to social advantage, where the CJ finds the job-seeker is not habitually resident in the host State, the claim for job-seekers allowance could be refused[26].

4. Conclusion

Free movement of ‘workers’ gradually shifted to free movement of ‘persons’, and, although it is focused mostly on workers here, it now involves not only workers, their family members, and job-seekers, but also students, self-employed persons and retired persons. Cases concerning the rights of these latter people would be more complicated as they may involve free movement of services and the freedom of establishment.

However, in relation to the rights of workers, the families of workers and job-seekers, it is fair to say that EU law and the case law for free movement of persons are in favour of the right of EU citizens, rather than Member States. As it is a fundamental right, having EU citizens benefit from free movement is vital, and Member States would therefore give way to their right on many occasions. In that sense, the tension between Member States wishing to control the entry of foreign nationals and reduce the burden on themselves, and the rights of foreign nationals to enter and reside in another Member State, has been largely resolved by EU law and the case law. However, taking the side of Member States, more generous approaches, such as in Van Duyn, for instance, should be preferred. 

I, "xxxxx(生徒番号)", declare that this piece of work contains 1453 words.

[1] Lawrie-Blum v Land Baden-Wurttemberg  [1986] Case 66/85 ECR 2121
[2] Brown v Secretary of State for Scotland [1988] Case 197/86 ECR 3205
[3] R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Gustaff Desiderius Antonissen [1991] Case C-292/89 ECR I-745
[4] Article 27 (1) of Directive 2004/38 and Article 2 (2) of the previous Directive
[5] Article 27 (2) of Directive 2004/38 and Article 3 (1) of the previous Directive
[6] Article 27 (2) of Directive 2004/38 and Article 3 (2) of the previous Directive
[7] Van Duyn v Home Office [1974] Case 41/74 ECR 1337
[8] R v Bouchereau [1977] Case 30/77 ECR 1999; Rutili v Minister de l’Interieur [1975] Case 36/75 ECR 1219; Bonsignore v Oberstadtdirektor der Stadt KoIn [1975] Case 67/74 ECR 297
[9] Orfanopoulos v Land Baden – Wurttemberg; Oliveri v Land Baden – Wurttemberg [2004] Cases C-482/01 and C-493/01 ECR I-5257
[10] Adoui and Cornuaille v Belgium [1982] Case 115 and 116/81 ECR 1665
[11] Bonsignore, supra at 6
[12] Astrid Proll v Entry Clearance Officer, Dusseldorf (1988) 2 CMLR 387
[13] Lawrie-Blum, supra at 1
[14] Sotgiu v Deutsche Bundespost [1974] Case 152/73 ECR 153
[15] Anker (Albert) and Others v Germany [2003] Case C-47/02 ECR I-10447
[16] Belgium v Noushin Taghavi [1992] Case C-243/91 ECR 1-4401
[17] Comission v France (Re French Merchant Seamen) [1974] Case 167/73 ECR 359
[18] Wurttembergische Michverwertung-Sudmilch AG v Salvatore Ugliola [1970] Case 15/69 ECR 363
[19] Groener v Minister for Education [1989] Case 379/87 ECR 3967
[20] Union Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association ASBL v Jean-Mark Bosman [1955] Case C-415/93 ECRI-4921
[21] Cristini v SNCF [1975] Case 32/75 ECR 1085
[22] Ministere Public v Even and ONPTS [1979] Case 207/78 ECR 2019
[23] Brown v Secretary of State for Scotland Case 197/86 [1988] ECR 3205
[24] Article 10 of Regulation 492/2011
[25] Kaczmarek v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2008] EWCA Civ 1310
[26] Collins v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2004] Case 138/02 ECR 1-2073


Craig, P. and De Burca, G., 2008, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials., 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

Horspool, M. and Humphreys, M., 2010, European Union Law., 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.


EUR-Lex (accessed in February 20XX)


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